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Date: 6. 2. 2025, Austria

Visit from CINEA

Visit from CINEA

Last two days partners from Austrian, KNG-Kärnten Netz, hosted the GreenSwitch Project Officer from the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). They presented him with the progress of the Carinthian (Austrian) project activities. During the two-day visit, the reinforcement and expansion of the electricity grid infrastructure were demonstrated on-site, and essential consultations regarding the reporting were held during the consortium meeting with all project partners in Klagenfurt.

The visit offered first-hand experiences of the ongoing works on the automation of a primary station, secondary substations and the grid control center.

  • Primary Substation Winklern: The new primary substation will provide private customers and companies in the region of the upper Mölltal with a strong and reliable supply over the coming decades. The installation of advanced devices will improve grid automation, observability and controllability.
  • Secondary Substations: During the first two years of the project, 20 secondary substations throughout Carinthia have already been automated. During the visit, four selected stations were inspected. Automating the secondary substations with smart devices will significantly increase the security of supply and enable the successful operation of the Advanced Demand Management System (ADMS).
  • ADMS Implementation: In addition, the KNG grid control centre was inspected. During the project period, the integration of the ADMS will reduce outage times. Within the functionality, faults will be localized automatically, and isolated and automated switching actions for resupply will be set.
Visit from CINEA