Date: 10. 1. 2025, Croatia Integration of shunt reactors into the operational system Two shunt reactors were put into operation in the Gorski Kotar area in December 2024. One shunt reactor, with a nominal power of 3,000 kVAr, is installed in the TS 35/20 kV Gerovo substation, while the other, with a nominal power of 1,200 kVAr, is installed in the TS 20/0.4 kV Curak 1 substation. This event represents a key step forward in modernizing the distribution network of the mentioned area. The Gorski Kotar area is confronted with the challenges of low energy consumption, high capacitive reactive energy, low population density, and high network voltages. The installation of shunt reactors balances the reactive energy created in the long medium-voltage network and enables a greater transfer of active power and acceptance of additional generation from renewable sources without disturbing the system's stability.