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Increasing controllability and strengthening the power networks.

GreenSwitch will optimise use of the existing power infrastructure and allow the integration of new technologies and advanced functionalities in the transmission and distribution networks in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia.

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Date: 12. 4. 2024, Slovenia

Cross-border exchange of experience between distribution system operators Kaernten Netz (KNG) and Elektro Ljubljana

Cross-border exchange of experience between distribution system operators Kaernten Netz (KNG) and Elektro Ljubljana

Renewable energies, asset management, energy communities and the digital twin were some of the topics on the agenda of the recent cross-border. Various experiences and examples of best practices were exchanged between the employees in intensive discussions in Ljubljana. Both partners can only confirm the statement: "The language barrier shouldn't stop us from learning from each other”. The smart meter rollout with corresponding data availability, increasing PV grid connections, data management, maintenance and asset management or the internal standardization of the equipment of the assets are topics that both companies are also dealing with.

When it comes to flexibility, Elektro Ljubljana has already launched the first pilots and has been able to gather valuable experience, which they shared. In terms of energy communities, KNG was able to demonstrate its experience. After an intensive exchange of experiences, both Elektro Ljubljana and KNG were certain that meetings in this form should take place again in the future.

Cross-border exchange of experience between distribution system operators Kaernten Netz (KNG) and Elektro Ljubljana
Main goals
Enable the integration of an increasing amount of dispersed renewable energy sources and new loads.
Improve observability of the distribution network.
Improve supply quality.
Optimal use of the infrastructure.


The GreenSwitch project will provide additional cross-border capacity and optimisation of grid operation, extending to lower voltage levels. Many new technologies and techniques will be rolled out on this project, including power-flow prediction and control systems, an optimal supply of physical islands and an advanced approach to providing distribution grid resilience through cross-border connection.

The result will be a grid that is better-prepared for the expected large additional loads and renewable energy sources.


Increasing operational efficiency and transmission grid controllability in Croatia and Slovenia
Sector-coupling integration (power, heat, mobility) in Slovenia
Increasing distribution grid efficiency, security of supply, and cross-border and renewable energy sources (RES) hosting capacity in the distribution grids of Austria, Croatia and Slovenia

Public tenders

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There are currently no public tenders.


Transmission and distribution systems and network operators from Austria, Croatia and Slovenia have a long history of cooperation, both cross-border between TSOs and between DSOs, and within each country between TSO and DSO.

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